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How to Add a User to your macOS VPS?

Adding a new user to your macOS device is a simple process, but it provides several benefits, such as allowing different people to have personalized settings, files, and apps on the same computer.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to add a new user to your macOS system.

Step 1: Open System Settings

On macOS dock, click on the “System Settings” icon.

Step 2: Users & Groups

Locate ‘Users & Groups” and click on it.

This will open the section where you can manage user accounts.

Step 3: Add a New User

Now that the settings are unlocked, follow these steps to add a new user:

On older macOS versions, Click the “+” Button:

In the Users & Groups window, click the + button located below the list of users.

To make changes to user accounts, you need to unlock the settings first.

Choose the Account Type:

A new window will appear, allowing you to choose the account type. There are several options:

  • Administrator: Full access to all settings and apps. Suitable for users who need full control over the system.
  • Standard: A regular user account that can use apps and change settings, but cannot modify system settings.
  • Sharing Only: This account type allows the user to access shared files but not log in to the system.

Fill in User Details:

  • Full Name: The user’s name.
  • Account Name: This will automatically populate based on the full name, but you can change it.
  • Password: Create a password for the new user.
  • Verify Password: Confirm the password.
  • Password Hint: Optional, but helpful in case the user forgets their password.

Click Create User: Once the information is filled out, click Create User to finalize the process.


Adding a new user to your macOS device is an excellent way to keep different users’ files and settings separate, especially on shared computers.

Whether you’re setting up a new administrator account or simply creating a standard user, macOS makes it easy to manage user accounts. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that each user has a secure and personalized experience on your Mac.

Updated on November 17, 2024
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