What is the purpose of using Proxies? A proxy server (specifically an open proxy) acts as an intermediary between your computer and the internet, allowing your online...
What is the difference between Semi-Dedicated and Dedicated Proxies? The main difference between semi-dedicated and dedicated proxies lies in user access and exclusivity. Semi-Dedicated Proxies – These proxies are...
I’ve just placed my order. When can I expect to receive my list of proxies? All proxy orders are delivered within one hour of purchase, with most arriving within just a few minutes. If there’s...
Am I able to replace any non-working Proxies? Absolutely! You can replace any non-working proxies at any time. Just open a support ticket, and we’ll be happy to...
How long will my Proxy list remain Active? When you place your proxy order, you are billed for a 30-day cycle. Your proxy list will expire on the...
How can I upgrade or downgrade my Proxy package? To upgrade or downgrade your proxy package, simply log in to your Client Area, go to My Services, select View...
I’ve just renewed my Proxies. When will I receive my list? Your new proxy list will be sent within 12-24 hours. Most renewals are completed before your current cycle expires, ensuring...
My Proxies were terminated due to non-payment. How can I restore them? At this point, we recommend placing a new order. Most terminated proxy accounts cannot be reinstated unless they are still...
What is your Refund Policy for Proxies? Proxy services are not eligible for our 3-Day Money-Back Guarantee and are non-refundable once delivered, regardless of the circumstances. Additionally,...
Is my Proxy order eligible for the 3-Day Money-Back Guarantee? Proxy services are not covered by our 3-Day Money-Back Guarantee and are non-refundable once delivered, regardless of the circumstances. Additionally,...